sajad torkamani


fmt.Sprintf() returns the formatted string which you can assign to a variable.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    name := "Bob"
    occupation := "developer"
    experience := 5

    message := fmt.Sprintf("%s is a %s with %d years of experience.", name, occupation, experience)


fmt.Printf() prints the formatted string directly to the standard output.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    language := "Go"
    version := 1.18

    // Directly printing the formatted string
    fmt.Printf("I am learning %s version %.2f\n", language, version)

The specifiers for both are:

  • %s – String
  • %d – Decimal integer
  • %f – Floating point number
  • %t – Boolean
  • %v – Default format for any value (a general-purpose placeholder)
  • %T – Type of the value
  • %x – Hexadecimal representation of an integer
  • %p – Pointer address
Tagged: Golang