function consecutiveChars(str: string): string[] {
// This regex finds consecutive characters
const consecutiveCharRegex = /(.)\1/g
// We'll store the consecutive chars in this array
const matches: string[] = []
let match: RegExpExecArray | null = null
// Keep testing the regex against the string until it doesn't match
while (match = consecutiveCharRegex.exec(str)) {
// This is the important bit to ensure we find overlapping matches.
// The RegExp.lastIndex property specifies the index at which to start the
// next match (
// By setting it to match.index + 1, we ensure that on the next iteration
// of the while loop, we can apply the regex match against the remaining
// string.
consecutiveCharRegex.lastIndex = match.index + 1 // <- Important
return matches
Example usage:
consecutiveChar('AaBBCCC') // => ['BB', 'CC', 'CC'