sajad torkamani

The flex property can have one of three keyword values:

  • initial
  • auto
  • none

initial (flex: 0 1 auto)

  • Growth: Doesn’t grow to absorb extra free space in the flex container.
  • Shrinking: Shrinks to its minimum size to fit in the flex container.
  • Sizing: The item is sized according to its width and height properties.
  • Equivalent to flex: 0 1 auto

auto (flex: 1 1 auto)

  • Growth: Grows to absorb extra free space in the flex container.
  • Shrinking: Shrinks to its minimum size to fit in the flex container.
  • Sizing: The item is sized according to its width and height properties.
  • Equivalent to flex: 1 1 auto

none (flex 0 0 auto)

  • Growth: Doesn’t grow to absorb extra free space in the flex container.
  • Shrinking: Doesn’t shrink to its minimum size to fit in the flex container.
  • Sizing: The item is sized according to its width and height properties.
  • Equivalent to flex: 0 0 auto


Tagged: CSS

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