sajad torkamani

The problem: Scenarios where optional keys are needed

Consider this UserRecord:

type UserInfo = 'name' | 'email' | 'age'
type UserRecord = Record<UserInfo, string | number>

This definition makes UserRecord a type where all the keys (name, email, and age) are required.

So this won’t work:

const partialUser: OptionalUserRecord = {
  name: "John Doe" // 'email' and 'age' are optional

TypeScript complains with:

Typescript optional keys reference

But what if we need a UserRecord where some keys can be optional?

The solution: Mapped types

We can use mapped types:

type UserInfo = 'name' | 'email' | 'age'
type OptionalUserRecord = {
  [K in UserInfo]?: string | number

Now, we can do something like:

const partialUser: OptionalUserRecord = {
  name: "John Doe" // 'email' and 'age' are optional

And TypeScript is happy:

Tagged: TypeScript

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