sajad torkamani

In a nutshell

Symfony’s Cache component helps you implement caching in your web applications.

This is how you’d typically use the Cache component:

use Symfony\Contracts\Cache\ItemInterface;

// The callable will only be executed on a cache miss.
$value = $pool->get('my_cache_key', function (ItemInterface $item) {

    // ... do some HTTP request or heavy computations
    $computedValue = 'foobar';

    return $computedValue;

echo $value; // 'foobar'

// ... and to remove the cache key

Pools: Group of cache items

A pool is a group of cache items under a namespace. In your code, you’ll use a service to interact with each pool.

For example, you might choose to group your cache items in the following pools:

  • Images: For caching files.
  • Users: For caching user DB records.
  • Secrets: For caching AWS secrets.

Default pools

Two pools are enabled by default:

  • Used in your application code.
  • cache.system: Used for things like serializer, annotations, and validations.

These are configured in config/packages/cache.yaml:

# config/packages/cache.yaml
        app: cache.adapter.filesystem
        system: cache.adapter.system

See all available cache pools

php bin/console cache:pool:list

Clear a pool

php bin/console cache:pool:clear my_cache_pool


A cache adapter is a class that implements the AbstractAdapter interface allowing you to manage your caching using storage systems like Memcached or Redis.

The Cache component offers several pre-configured adapters:


Tagged: Symfony

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